That once beautiful, but now dead tree on your property might not be destined for the mulch or firewood pile. Have you considered having it milled in to usable slabs?
When it’s necessary to remove a tree, we try to salvage what we can for re-use by milling the log into timber slabs, which can then be dried, ready for you to make into almost anything you like. It’s always surprising what colours and grain patterns are revealed from within the wood as it’s cut.
Our portable milling equipment allows us to mill felled sections right where they lie, removing the need to hire expensive lifting and loading machinery. This makes it an affordable option for processing your log into valuable timber.
Using our portable chainsaw mill to cut slabs of an English Elm log Slabs can be easily cut to any desired thickness
Some of the things timber slabs can be made into:
- Bars and kitchen benchtops
- Dining tables and coffee tables
- Slab benches and seats
- Garden edging
- Kids sandpits
- Raised garden beds
- Wooden chopping boards
We offer timber milling as an add-on service, so contact us if you’d like to give your tree a new lease on life.